The Corporation

Editorial Safeliz, S.L. is an international company that promotes total health and provides education for the family. Since 1903, our books and magazines serve to prevent, protect, and educate. In the beginning, our books were sold on the street and in people’s homes by sales representatives who operated under different institutional names. In 1951, Safeliz, originally called “Salud y Felicidad” (Health and Happiness), became its own entity. Its headquarters, which were in Barcelona, later moved to Madrid (on the corner of the streets San Francisco de Sales and Aravaca). From 2000, it is located in Colmenar Viejo, a town on the outskirts of Madrid.

International Projection

Throughout these years, Editorial Safeliz never stopped using specialized sales representatives. In Spain, for example, we are pioneers in distributing works that promote a natural and healthy lifestyle directly to homes.

Most of these works, originally in Spanish, are translated into the most important languages of the world: English, French, German, Portuguese (including a Brazilian version), Arabic, Italian… as well as Romanian, Czech, Hungarian, Slavic, Norwegian, Russian…

Our Philosophy

The primary reason for worldwide interest in our publications, apart from their careful design, lies without doubt in our philosophy. We are a publisher of text in the most varied formats (manuals, guides, popular books, magazines, multimedia…), which have as their focal point the specific theme of health and education, providing a positive and transparent focus on these decisive human facets.
In all our publications, we include the conviction that true education is the harmonious development of all human faculties. For this reason, when it comes to health, we always include the latest scientific advances with the best natural treatments, while remembering those most valuable health agents: diet, water, earth, sun, air, physical exercise, rest, abstinence from toxins, and a positive mental attitude. All of the wisdom available is put into service to promote full human health in all its physical, mental, social, and spiritual dimensions.